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Reddit moderation: Subreddit development within the limitations

{ Posted 18th September 2014 }

Reddit moderation: Subreddit development within the limitations

Simple sprite animation using CSS3 @keyframes and steps()

{ Posted 19th June 2014 }

Simple sprite animation using CSS3 @keyframes and steps()

Using the Modernizr library to provide graceful degradation for older browsers

{ Posted 22nd May 2014 }

Using the Modernizr library to provide graceful degradation for older browsers

Using the sass @for directive to generate staggered :nth-child transitions

{ Posted 21st May 2014 }

Using the sass @for directive to generate staggered :nth-child transitions

Creating content types and fields using a custom module in Drupal 7

{ Posted 14th April 2014 }

Creating content types and fields using a custom module in Drupal 7

Create your own tokens in Drupal 7

{ Posted 7th April 2014 }

Create your own tokens in Drupal 7

The FreddyBushBoy SASS/Compass mixin building handbook

{ Posted 14th March 2014 }

The FreddyBushBoy SASS/Compass mixin building handbook

The CSS padding trick: responsive intrinsic ratios

{ Posted 12th March 2014 }

The CSS padding trick: responsive intrinsic ratios

Harness the power of Display Suite’s API to create custom display fields

{ Posted 5th March 2014 }

Harness the power of Display Suite’s API to create custom display fields

Ditto: Making good use of Sass extends and placeholder selectors

{ Posted 4th February 2014 }

Ditto: Making good use of Sass extends and placeholder selectors

Get aquainted with Omega’s SASS file structure

{ Posted 29th January 2014 }

Get aquainted with Omega’s SASS file structure

Support Retina images on your site using SASS/Compass

{ Posted 24th January 2014 }

Support Retina images on your site using SASS/Compass

Running the Gauntlet: Contributing a project to drupal.org

{ Posted 19th January 2014 }

Running the Gauntlet: Contributing a project to drupal.org

“Cropping” images using simple CSS and JS

{ Posted 11th February 2014 }

“Cropping” images using simple CSS and JS

Nicen up Drupal’s tabs with the Icon Tabs module

{ Posted 25th April 2014 }

Nicen up Drupal’s tabs with the Icon Tabs module

Installing Omega and creating a subtheme using drush

{ Posted 19th January 2014 }

Installing Omega and creating a subtheme using drush

Compass auto-completion in Sublime Text

{ Posted 18th November 2013 }

Compass auto-completion in Sublime Text

Adding custom permissions in Drupal 7

{ Posted 2nd July 2013 }

Adding custom permissions in Drupal 7

‘Create a new Drupal module’ keyboard shortcut in OSX

{ Posted 13th July 2012 }

‘Create a new Drupal module’ keyboard shortcut in OSX

Using custom template files for different view modes

{ Posted 1st June 2012 }

Using custom template files for different view modes

Rendering content in node.tpl.php with Drupal 7

{ Posted 6th January 2012 }

Rendering content in node.tpl.php with Drupal 7

Using max-width to resize images dynamically

{ Posted 11th April 2012 }

Using max-width to resize images dynamically